Lurking around Blogland I discovered the concept of taking a "Photo-a-day". Basically you take a picture EVERY day for the entire year, Being the visual person I am I thought this might be fun. It will aide in my blogging, and in my photography. I am being realistic- I know I am not going to post every day. But for the days I don't post I will recap everyday that I missed. I expect the next year will bring with it a lot of changes and obstacles, and I want to remember every last bit.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Super yummy homemade pizza, guess which side is mine?

Gourmet Candlelit Subway Dinner

My Scentbug- a Christmas gift from my boss, Marla

Mike got up early to make me pancakes before I went to work

Lunch at Kahunaville with my baby!

I helped out in Banquets after my normal shift in the Business Center, it was a lot of hours and I was super SORE the next day!! But worth it!

It was a lazy day lounging with my boys. Giving love to my first "son" Bubbi!

Our 6 month anniversary! We went to dinner at Danny Boys, Mmmm!

My goofy husband. I love him!

Mike surprised me with a cute card and a bottle of our favorite wine :)

We bought a brand new sectional! Like the one we are sitting on but pale green- Cant wait for it to get delivered!!

Monday, January 18, 2010


1.8- Snow Day!

1.9- Delicious Omlette

1.10- The most exciting part of that particular lazy day!

1.11- Went to Kalahari with Mike & Kirby

1.12- Relaxing and de-stressing bath time! (Wine helps too!)

1.13- The Geeks (my people) descend upon Kalahari- loved every minute!

1.14- Welcome our new kitty Emmett! All 16 pounds of his Maine Coon goodness!

1.15- Bubbi got curious and jumped on the bathroom counter- and then into the (clean) toilet (oh and I know its gross that his wang in hanging out- but that's what baby pictures are for!)

1.16- Emmett's first bath- He was a champ

1.17- Doing some massive cleaning a redecorating

Friday, January 8, 2010


Here is the first week wrap-up of 2010! Proud I've stuck with it so far!!!

The first (of many) pictures of 2010!

Ashley & Peter O'Toole's wedding

Lazy day in Michigan with Mike, Mom & Bear

My best friend Kristi on the day I found out she was pregnant!!!

A Moo-moo symbolizing the evil woman that lives below us

My first time making Corn Chowder- DELICIOUS!

Putting together an awesome puzzle with Caroline & Ryan